Software Evaluation License Agreement

Whether you`re a small business owner or a large enterprise, you likely rely on software to run your operations. Software evaluation license agreements are an important consideration when selecting and testing software before making a purchase. These agreements outline the terms and conditions of a software trial, providing legal protection for both the software vendor and the user. In this article, we`ll discuss what you need to know about software evaluation license agreements.

What is a Software Evaluation License Agreement?

A software evaluation license agreement is a legal document outlining the terms and conditions of a software trial. It`s a written agreement between the software vendor and the user, providing permission for the user to evaluate the software for a specific period. Typically, these agreements limit the use of the software to the trial period and are time-limited.

Why are Software Evaluation License Agreements Important?

Software evaluation license agreements protect both the user and the vendor. For the user, it ensures that they are legally permitted to evaluate the software without infringing on copyright or intellectual property rights. For the vendor, it ensures that the software is not used beyond the trial period and that the user is aware of any limitations or technical requirements for the software.

What are the Key Components of a Software Evaluation License Agreement?

Software evaluation license agreements vary from vendor to vendor, but typically contain the following components:

1. License Grant: This outlines the permission granted to the user to evaluate the software. It specifies the limitations of the software`s use and the duration of the evaluation period.

2. Restrictions: This states the restrictions on the use of the software during the evaluation period. This can include limitations on the number of users or the amount of data that can be processed.

3. Warranty Disclaimer: This outlines that the software is provided “as is” and that the vendor provides no warranties about the software`s performance or functionality.

4. Intellectual Property: This section outlines the vendor`s ownership of the software and any associated intellectual property rights.

5. Limitation of Liability: This outlines the vendor`s liability for any damages caused by the software, including but not limited to lost profits, data loss, or business interruption.

6. Termination: This outlines the conditions under which the software evaluation license can be terminated. This can include breach of the agreement or the expiration of the evaluation period.


Software evaluation license agreements are a critical component of any software trial. They provide legal protection for both the user and the vendor and outline the terms and conditions of a software evaluation. Before starting any software trial, it`s important to carefully review and understand the software evaluation license agreement to ensure compliance with the terms and conditions. By doing so, you can avoid legal liability and make informed decisions about software purchases for your business.