Logic Flight Share Agreement

A logic flight share agreement is an agreement between two or more airlines to share a flight. This agreement allows each airline to offer the same flight to its passengers, without having to operate the flight on its own.

This type of agreement is beneficial for airlines because it allows them to expand their reach without having to enter new markets. Instead, they can partner with airlines already operating in those markets.

Logic flight share agreements are also beneficial for passengers. They allow passengers to book a flight with one airline, even if that airline does not operate flights to their destination. This means that passengers can book a flight with their preferred airline, even if that airline does not have a direct flight to their destination.

For example, let`s say a passenger wants to fly from New York to Mumbai. Airline A does not operate flights to Mumbai, but it has a logic flight share agreement with Airline B, which does operate flights to Mumbai. The passenger can book a flight with Airline A, and the flight will be operated by Airline B.

In this scenario, the logic flight share agreement benefits both airlines. Airline A is able to offer a flight to Mumbai, even though it does not operate flights to that destination. Airline B is able to fill seats on its flight to Mumbai, even if it does not have enough passengers booking directly with the airline.

However, it`s important to note that logic flight share agreements can be complex. There are many factors to consider, such as flight schedules, ticket pricing, and baggage handling. To ensure a smooth and seamless travel experience for passengers, airlines must work together closely to coordinate their operations.

In addition, logic flight share agreements can also have an impact on airline alliances. For example, if Airline B is part of an airline alliance, its logic flight share agreement with Airline A could conflict with agreements with other airlines in the alliance.

Overall, logic flight share agreements are a valuable tool for airlines looking to expand their reach and offer more options to passengers. These agreements require careful coordination and planning, but when executed properly, they can benefit both airlines and passengers alike.